08 May 2010

A word of warning during this allergy season...

DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT hold back sneezes..lol

I know this sounds ridiculous but yesterday I held back some sneeze while I was driving and immediately my throat burned and I had horrible neck pain.  After a while the pain subsided so I didn't worry about it until I woke up this morning at 5am with my throat burning and it hurt to swallow...take a look and everything in there is blood red and swollen so I coated up with chloraseptic and went back to bed.  Woke up at 7 with it again.  This is so stupid so I figured you all might laugh about it...  :o)

Apparently sneezes can come at speeds up to 100mph and holding them back *CAN* cause severe damage.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I didn't think it was possible to hold back a sneeze. I hope you feel better soon