30 April 2010

My wishful thinking "after" picture

Seriously, who WOULDN'T want to look like this??  What an amazing body, this is absolutely what I want to look like.  Strong, lean and beautiful.  When I saw this picture in the catalog I quickly ripped it out and put it on the door out to the garage so I can see it every day to remind me.  I also wrote in sharpie marker "after".

I am considering hiring a personal trainer once I get a few more pounds off and taking this picture in and saying "make me look like this".  I am really not looking to be the skinny minny that I used to be, I just want to be strong and toned.  I am not even really looking at the weight on the scale that much anymore even though I do weekly weigh ins.  The measurements are what are telling me whats going on.  I joined the gym on April Fools Day and I started going on the 6th, Olivia's first day back at school so technically I am now 3.5 weeks into my endeavor.  I feel like I have done really well so far and even if I am not seeing a ton of results I am feeling them.  I am less stressed when dealing with Big K and OJ, things don't bother me nearly as much and I just feel better.  My "GAD" is at bay big time and I haven't been taking my acid reflux medicine regularly.  This is all good.  I am happy I have made this choice for myself and I hope that I can stick to it.

1 comment:

SaRaH said...

Girl, that picture IS your after shot. She totally looks like you. Methinks if you keep this pace, it won't be long. I can't wait.