03 August 2009

Finally an update and next up some honest scrap!

Well, I have been MIA for a while now, things have been much better since my husband realized hes a paranoid idiot.  I am still working on fighting off this summer cold, its been craptastic for sure and I am just praying that OJ doesn't get it again.

My mom is coming tomorrow and I am really excited to see her.  I haven't seen her since February and am really happy shes coming to visit.  This is the first time in a while that I have been this excited to see her, I have finally let all anger go and I am so thankful for it, it feels really good to just be looking forward to seeing her and spending some time together.

I started running back on 26 June which was equal to me struggling through a mile on the treadmill and a month later I was easily running 3.25 miles 5 times a week.  I was so excited about this and then my cold hit and I am sure that I wont be slinking right back into that distance but hopefully it wont be horrific to get back to it.  This has reduced my anxiety to an almost non existent level, which has been the biggest benefit to it.  I haven't lost weight (other than my cold weight loss) but my body has changed a lot in 5 weeks.

My honest scrap post will come after this, the honor was awarded to me by Sarah - Thank you very much!  I am sure that my blog isn't worthy of this and I surely wouldn't consider it brilliant by any means!  LOL  But I will do my best on it.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I wish I had it in me to do that sort of physical activity. Frankly existing is almost too much for me at this point:P

You're doing awesome!