So I was excited to find a company that used water based products to refinish wood floors and they are certified green. Well they came today and man what a pain in the ass, we had to have all furniture out of the rooms that they were doing and well almost our entire home needs it done but we are doing it piece by piece to make it more manageable. Well we split the upstairs into halves and did our master and the hallway and kyles room so OJ couldn't go up for a nap, nothing it was nuts. Anyway now after looking at just how much nicer they look I am happy we are going through the temporary pain to get it done.
Here is my newly painted this color we put on the walls too...
Here is a split of where they stopped the new and left the old..yellowed polyurethane floors...ick.
And here is what I worked on while OJ was watching her dvd's because well...the 60 inch tv died today as well...yay..that means I get a smaller flat screen
The longies are only outshone by those floors and that paint and that new television! :P
I love the new floors, they look sooooo much better. And I can't even discuss those longies or else I might be forced to commandeer them from you.
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