16 March 2009

Wow, what a week...

God did that suck ass...I mean really...shit.

 A health update for me, minus a few "episodes" last week I am feeling good, I haven't had any more bouts of just laying on the sofa.  I think 2.5 weeks in Florida definitely helped and anytime I start feeling my "gad" coming on I just either close my eyes for a few minutes or just push through it.  Nothing like before thankfully..seriously thankfully...

I have some more additions to the Florida culture series to add, I just have to get the pictures off my phone and on here.

I will update more later when i have more interesting information!  LOL

1 comment:

SaRaH said...

gad sounds so cool. So cool it better never come back or I'll show it what's what.

Verification: Decker. Cuz that's what I do, gad.