12 February 2009

Neurologist Results

Really quickly...everything is fine, neuro says its nothing to worry about so thank you all so much for the prayers and thoughts.

I am feeling ok about 60% of the time....so I am really striving for 80% then I will work towards 100%


SaRaH said...

I'm shooting for at LEAST 93% for you. Let's get these doctors making you feel better. I'm tired of them not knowing. I hope that today is the turning point.

Christina said...

Steph, I am so sorry, I have been slacking on reading blogs and I had no idea all this was going on! I feel like such a bad friend. I know things are stressful, we need a girls day with the kiddos, do some shopping, play with the kids. I can come to you (once Andrew is better) we can chat! You know where I am!