09 February 2009

Here's to finding 3 things that really make you laugh every day!

So, my dear husband likes Joel Osteen who I am not a huge fan of but can deal with him.  So, as I am going through all of this stress and anxiety and everything else I turned on the tv in the kitchen during breakfast, he happened to be on and the first words out of his mouth were, everyone is stressed and anxious..

So I decided to watch it for a bit and he said that everyone needs to find 3 things every day that make you laugh.  What I have realized is that I have truly lost my sense of humor..I don't laugh nearly as much or as easily as I used to so I am going to work on finding these three things every day.  He said something about laughing inside to yourself and chuckling and how that is no good for you and that you just need to let it out..

Laughing releases endorphins which just make you feel good and reduces stress hormones...so here's to laughing really hard 3 times a day!


SaRaH said...

Dear Steph,
Please work on sharing those three things each day to benefit my health.

SaRaH said...

Item #1: My word verification for that last comment was "Chergly." I'm assuming this is a whole new level of ugly...

Unknown said...

Joel Osteen? Really? That was my first thing to laugh at today. LOL!

How about a blond joke?

Two blonds living in Oklahoma were sitting on a bench one evening looking at the Moon and talking. One blond says to the ther, "Which do you think is further away, Florida or the Moon?"

The second blond rolls her eyes, turns, and eplies, "Hellooooooooo, can you see Florida from here?"

Tiffany said...

I too have lost my sense of humor. I have been struggling to find it, but it seems to have gone MIA. I'll join you on the journey to find three things that make me laugh.

Tiff said...

I think this will make you laugh!


SaRaH said...

This made me laugh even more after Tiffany's video.

Tiff said...

I agree - the reaction videos are funnier than watching ol' Scarlett!