20 October 2008

Mom-ism's 20 October 2008

First off thank you to Sarah for reminding me I should keep note of these momism's...for future levity.

********And YAY for Becca coming home!!*******<-----if i could make this sparkle I would...
1)  Background: family friends - years like 40+, great people would do anything for anyone they hit a really rough patch and lost their business this year and now Joe has lost his job..
They decided to say fuck it and move to the west coast of Florida - they currently live in Va Beach, Joe asked my mom if he could stay this weekend at her home while he interviewed she said yes of course
So then Joe asked if she would mind if he stayed with her for a few weeks if he was fortunate enough to get the job because his wife has to stay at her job while they sell the house in VA, she of course said absolutely
So on our conversation this evening she said to me, he may be here 6 weeks and I said well that would be great (obviously not explanatory enough)  My mom says, yes, it will be great for me, i will have some company (insert dot dot dot..mouth open)
Now, this is totally my mom's MO so its not shocking by any means but it still amuses me (thanks to Judith)
2)  Also she asked me if I knew who James Patterson was and then before I could answer she said oh you don't read...
UH...do you know me at all?  LOL..

1 comment:

SaRaH said...

for future posts: pictures of pool for neighbors, champagne receptions... lmao. Gotta love her.